Foglio's Field Notes

Leif Utne's random rants, musings and meditations

Posts Tagged ‘car-free blogs

Car-Free Blogs

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Dang! There are a crapload of car-free blogs out there. Hanging out with my friend Kurt the other day, who is six weeks into chronicling his just-begin year sans automobile,  got me wondering just how many car-free blogs there might be. A quick Google search on “car-free blogs” turned up 181,000 hits, including a few particularly interesting ones:

Car-Free USA blog is the first hit on the list. Self-described as “A blog promoting the joys of car free life in the USA.” The blogger behind it is Brian Smith, a communications guy at the Oakland-based environmental group EarthJustice, who I met last year at a meetup for‘s team of Bay-Area contributors.

There’s Carfree Family, by Paul Cooley, a 41 year-old father in Santa Fe.

There are a slew of blogs about World Car-Free Day, including some of its local iterations.

There’s even a link to an index of all blogs on that contain the tag car-free. (This post will no doubt turn up there once I hit Publish.)

One of the best is the Year of Living Car-lessly, an experiment undertaken by Alan Durning, executive director of the Sightline Institute, a Seattle-based sustainability think tank. After his teenage son totaled the family car, they decided to simply not replace it.

And in a bit of cruel irony, the sponsored link that turned up above that Google search was an ad for

Written by leifutne

February 10, 2008 at 1:29 am